1.特性问卷:25 分钟
2.概括才调:46 分钟,需准备推断器、纸笔
3.SVAR-Spoken English(u.S.):15 分钟,需开启语音
人人汽车入职测试防御事项: 保举使用札记本或带录像头的台式机作答,不保举使用转移端成就作答 保举使用最新版的谷歌浏览器(Chrome)或火狐浏览器(Firefox)登录作答 由于本测评包含英语传闻才能,是以请确保您的电脑具备细腻的麦克风与扬声器/耳机。 由于测评历程中有自动合手拍才能(用于监考),请确保您的电脑具备细腻可用的录像头 测评作答历程中请勿半途退出,尽量一次性完成,若是确有格外情况(成就故障/停电等),则最多只可半途退出一次,退出中请尽快复返。 人人汽车入职测试概括才调真题人人汽车入职测试特性问卷真题人人汽车入职测试SVAR-Spoken English英语真题Automated spoken English test that measures fluency, pronunciation, active listening and spokenEnglish understanding.
Section A: Read and Speak
In this section, speak the sentence displayed on the screen. The test willautomatically move ahead after you speak each sentence, You may also clickOn SUBMIT ANSWER to move ahead.
Section D: Free Speech
In this section, you will be provided with a topic. You will have 30 seconds tothink about the topic and 45 seconds to speak about it. You may take notesduring preparation in order to structure your thoughts. Begin speaking on thetopic when you see the message SPEAK NOW on the screen.